I miei link preferiti

My preferred links


IBRA . Italian Bamboo Rodmakers Association

Bamboo Journal - the I.B.R.A. newsletter

PIPAM - Italian page of fly fishing

Power Fibers - bamboo online newsletter

CPMT - Club Pescatori a Mosca Ticino - CH

Forum di Gillum - the French rodmakers

Gabriele Gori Rodmaker

Marco Giardina Rodmaker

Massimo Giuliani Rodmaker

Davide Fiorani Rodmaker

Moreno Borriero Rodmaker and fishing guide

Andrew Cartwright fishing guide in UK

Gargantini ... the Fishing Family!

Terenzio Zandri silk fly lines maker

Mario Fenu - leather artist

Alberto Coppini - artist

Enrico Cereda - artist


Alcune interessanti utilities di Patrik Rosengren

Some interesting utilities made by Patrik Rosengren

dimensionamento delle ferrule in bamboo streamlined - dimensioning streamlined bamboo ferrules

configuratore legature - wrapping guides configurator

posizionamento serpentine - guide configurator



  home page  

Alberto Poratelli

via rossini 10 - 20813 bovisio masciago (MB) - Italy

+39.335.5308541 - postmaster@aprods.it